Fresh Cranberry Orange Salad

Cranberry Orange Salad
- food processor
- large bowl
- serving bowl
- 12 ounces fresh whole cranberries or frozen whole berries
- 1 medium naval orange
- ¾ cup sugar
- ¼ cup gelatin powder cherry or strawberry
- ¼ cup coarsely chopped pecans
- Chop cranberries in blender or food processor.
- Pour into large bowl.
- Using the whole orange, cut into quarters or smaller and chop in the blender or processor.
- Add the orange pieces to cranberries.
- Stir in the sugar, gelatin powder and pecans.
- Cover; refrigerate at least 2 hour to dissolve sugar and cool.
In 2016, 98% of world production of cranberries resulted from the United States, Canada, and Chile. Most cranberries are processed into products such as juice, sauce, jam, and sweetened dried cranberries, with the remainder sold fresh to consumers. Cranberry sauce is a traditional accompaniment to turkey at Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom, and at Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners in the United States and Canada.[6]
An entree idea: chicken with cranberries
Nutritional value of Cranberries
Raw cranberries are 87% water, 12% carbohydrates, and contain negligible protein and fat (table). In a 100 gram reference amount, raw cranberries supply 46 calories and moderate levels of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and the essential dietary mineral, manganese, each with more than 10% of its Daily Value. Other micronutrients have low content (table).

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