Gourmet Spinach-Romaine Lettuce Salad
My first “gourmet salad”, Spinach-Romaine Lettuce Salad, big time and new idea in 1978. Bon Appétit was probably the originator of this recipe. At that time mixing fresh mushrooms and oranges in salad was being original. How times have changed! No longer do we expect the same foods being served together. An example: meat loaf made with ground beef, served with white mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans with iceberg lettuce salad. Consider a new take on the same menu: meat loaf made with ground turkey, risotto , Brussels sprouts with pearl onions and sesame seeds and pear salad.
Diversity of our neighborhoods and communities have made diversity in the foods we eat and have available at our grocers and Farmer’s Market. In my city there are multiple Asian and Hispanic grocery stores in addition to the chain and big box stores that offer a variety of foods to meet the needs of most nationalities and for those just wanting to learn new recipes and tastes to broaden our understanding of flavors, cooking, and even cultures.

Spinach-Romaine Lettuce Salad
- 3 cups fresh baby spinach
- 3 cups fresh romaine leaves and hearts torn into bite size
- 1/2 cup fresh crimini mushrooms sliced
- 4 slices bacon
- 1-2 navel oranges
- 1/4 cup toasted whole almonds
- Seasoned Vinaigrette Dressing
- Wash and dry spinach and romaine leaves and hearts.
- Slice the mushrooms
- Fry the bacon crisp and drain on toweling paper. Break bacon into small pieces.
- Cut off the peel and white pith on the navel oranges, cut in 1/2 inch slices and quarter.
- Toast the almonds, allow to cool.
- Assemble the greens into a large bowl.
- Add some of the vinaigrette and mix greens.
- Add mushrooms, bacon, oranges and almonds.
- Mix more vinaigrette or have available for serving.
Julia Ann and cookbookinabox® in partnership with Netta Belle’s Choice® brings
you great recipes for your cooking experience. ©2007-2018 Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery® cookbookinabox® “Reg. U.S. Pat. & Trdmk. Off.” Reg. “Trade-marks Canadian Intellectual Property Office. “Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery® cookbookinabox® All rights reserved.
This recipe is not exotic nor in 2015 is it very ”gourmet” or different. It is a salad that is great in the winter time with the oranges and the current fad of bacon on everything. This is just a reminder of ingredients with a different mix, ago-to recipe to add to your collection. Enjoy.
Menu Suggestions:
- Chicken,Butternut Squash, Pecan Tart
- Stuffed Salmon Shells in Lemon Sauce
- Italian Chili soup
Julia Ann and cookbookinabox® in partnership with Netta Belle’s Choice® bring you great recipes for your cooking experience. ©2007-2018 Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery® cookbookinabox® “Reg. U.S. Pat. & Trdmk. Off.” Reg. “Trade-marks Canadian Intellectual Property Office. “Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery® cookbookinabox® All rights reserved.