A grist mill grinds grain into flour, corn into cornmeal.
The corn kernels were ground between two large stones operated by water wheel to turn the stones. The corn is coarser than the corn from grocery store brands. The taste is the same, delicious, and added a new dimension to the phrase of “cooking from scratch.” Stone Ground Cornbread is very good with the Meatless Navy Bean Soup.
Karen Jean of Bridgeton Mill has a recipe for Cornbread from Scratch on the package which I did use though not completely. I like to bake with honey instead of sugar. I am also learning how to bake/cook with coconut oil. Neither change the consistency nor flavor of the cornbread. Honey and coconut oil were substituted for the brown sugar and cooking oil recommended in the Stone Mill Cornbread.
Bridgeton Mill, Bridgeton, Indiana in Parke County, Indiana
This is a brochure from Bridgeton Mill, it looks just like that. This mill was built in 1823, rebuilt in 1870. Michael and Karen purchased it in 1995, and essentially have rebuilt it to its original use. They even had to restore the dam. They rebuilt the dam to restore the water power. To quote from the brochure, “falling water spins the wheel for power.” You just have to see it to appreciate it.
Cornmeals are only a small part of their products. There are grits, some made from purple corn, flours, pancake mixes cornbread mixes and fish batter. There are many USA food products of jelly, jams, honeys, and locally made ice cream. I have only mentioned a very small list of interesting items. Plan a visit to Bridgeton Mill when you are in Indiana. Tell them cookbookinabox® and Julia Ann sent you.
Parke County, Indiana has a Covered Bridge Festival, highlighting tours of 31 covered bridges in the area. The second weekend in October and for 10 days, the town of Rockville, Indiana and surrounding area is one big festival of foods, arts, crafts and antiques.
Stone Ground Cornbread to enjoy.

Stone Ground Cornbread
- 1 1/4 cup cornmeal
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup milk
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoon coconut oil
- Preheat oven 425 F.
- Mix the flour, salt and baking powder together.
- Add the milk, egg, honey and coconut oil.
- Pour into a hot greased cast iron skillet.
- (Or pour into a greased 8 x 8 baking pan.
- Bake 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.
Julia Ann and cookbookinabox® in partnership with Netta Belle’s Choice® bring you great recipes for your cooking experience.©2007-2018 Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery. cookbookinabox® “Reg. U.S. Pat. & Trdmk. Off.” Reg. “Trade-marks Canadian Intellectual Property Office. “Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery® cookbookinabox®.All rights reserved.
Julia Ann and cookbookinabox® in partnership with Netta Belle’s Choice® bring you great recipes for your cooking experience. ©2007-2020 Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery® cookbookinabox® “Reg. U.S. Pat. & Trdmk. Off.”Reg. “Trade-marks Canadian Intellectual Property Office. “ Netta Belle’s Choice® The Art of Gourmet Cookery® cookbookinabox® All rights reserved.