Living on an Indiana farm, I was active in baking and cooking in 4-H. The highlight of summer was grand champion ribbons won at the county fair and state fair. My aunts were mentors teaching me the ‘good old farm cooking.’ I learned to cook with fresh garden produce which was more economical and healthier.
Away from the farm, in college and career, I found fun and challenge in every different recipe clipped, saved and tried. As a self-taught cook through cookbooks, cooking magazines, library research, correspondence course and food shows, TV and internet now provide information and new ideas.
I enjoyed cooking for my family, creating new dishes and menus. The children were not always willing to “try it, you might like it.” It helped to have a husband interested in food prepared attractively and willing to try any new dish. There were times he said, “don’t fix that again!” Still, working in the kitchen has been rewarding and at times a way of stress management.
My husband had worked in the food industry, developed and sold Netta Belle’s Choice® Spice and Herbs and Netta Belle Sparks® Mesquite Baking and Barbeque Sauce. As he watched me prepare new menus and different food dishes, he came up with the plan to have our menus and recipes in a recipe box instead of a cookbook. It became cookbookinabox®.
After 25+ years as a health care professional, I retired. Having family and friends in for dinner or visit in my kitchen is a ‘grand champion ribbon’ for this retiree. Please visit often, cookbookinabox.com or nettabelle’schoice.com and Like us on Facebook, cookbookinabox.
You are always welcome to my kitchen.
Julia Ann
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